The Bean Countess

I turned to Bean Count during this scene and said “If there’s another goddamn rape so soon I’m done with this show.” Yet again, rape being used on the show when it was no where in the book.

There are a lot of great hikes outside Boulder (Mt. Sanitas, Chataqua Park, Royal Arch) and then you can head into Boulder to check out that scene (my favorite city in Colorado, Bean Count and I are planning on moving up there this year). Golden is fun too - lots of hikes there. If you’re into breweries, there are

The best one so far has for sure been the chihuahua/Steve Buscemi comparison

Seriously! I don’t understand the issue here - if a woman wants to be in a relationship with this dynamic, great! If she doesn’t, also great! I mean, it’s usually in the prenup, and unless he’s forcing her into the marriage (which I don’t think happens often - from what I’ve seen these women know what they’re getting


I loved this movie so hard that I can’t wait to buy it.

All I can say about last night’s episode is thank god Silicon Valley made such a good chaser...

Ew ew ew ew ew ew ewie

Don’t forget, if she turns down a man, she deserves whatever is coming to her (being spat on, raped, stabbed, you name it).

For a doctor, he seems to have missed some education on what a child is...

So you actually did get it, and are just being an asshole about it?


Because every asshole creeper then turns around and says “no, I’m actually a nice guy.” Hence the new, sarcastic meaning. I suggest you get a new cause...there are people starving in the world...

I’m 99% sure I saw that magnolia necklace at Forever 21 for 10 bucks...

I was Mulan as a child. I got the sex talk around age 8 or 9 because I asked how I got my dad’s chin if I came out of my mom’s stomach. When they told me (in detail) all I could think was “I’ve made a huge mistake.”

As if I needed more reasons to hate this turd sandwich...

See, this is what the post should have covered. Now this does seem harmless, but the way it was written was not only unnecessarily snarky but left out a few important points.

Thank you! And also, implying that the wife is mad after she said she’s not?! So we can’t believe what this woman says now? This article is awful - I almost forgot what site I was on...

That’s the point?