
I agree insofar as alot of people here are assuming facts that we don’t actually know and assuming that this was more horrific than it necessarily was (though I happen to think that is, tragically, a very plausible reading of the events). Also, people are getting mixed-up because it appears that the 15 year-old sex

In 2001, I saw Stabbing Westward at a festival concert in Portland. They were the “headliners” of the second stage (missing out on the last main-stage slot in favor of a pre-“This is How You Remind Me” Nickleback. My only excuses is that I was 17 and only just starting to realize that my taste in music needed a major

*blushes* Well.. schucks...

What you said:

“Apiarists in cold weather areas such as Canada gas the hives to death before collecting the honey.”

Note the lack of such qualifiers as “some” before apiarists or “frequently used to” before gas. Either of those would have made your comment more accurate and honest. Instead you have a sentence that

I’ll be the research assistant (pro tip: “do your own research” after making a claim and being challenged on it is a pretty good sign that you are full of shit or, at minimum, are not arguing in good faith)

After about 2 minutes on Google, this was one of several articles on the topic I found.

Um... while I totally agree with you on the banjo and “X be like,” Ghetto is at least 500 years old as a Venetian language word and originally applied to the segregated Jewish area of Venice. By the 19th century, it was being used to describe any urban area populated primarily by a minority group (not necessarily

I think he looks more like a benignly sleazy Hollywood producer posing for a Christmas-card photo with his longtime partner (who recently nagged him into getting married), costume designer John Fox.

I guess he adapting to the LA thing...

In college, my strategy was to give a list of teams in each region (in a random order) to my roommate who may have never watched a basketball game in his life and have him pick one school from each.

It’d kinda suck for us, too. So much Gruden...

We actually aren’t allowed to have buildings on the beach, as all our beaches are public property.

This means “beach house” is a very flexible term. Hell, the neighborhood I grew up in (2 blocks from a beach access) is now full of people’s “beach-houses.” Many of them are quite tragically unromantic.

That penalty is also negotiated for with the school and not (as far as I am aware) mandated by the NCAA. Big diffrence.

Whether a state’s laws would allow a no-compete clause doesn’t really matter. The anti-trust laws at issue here are federal and involve a cartel enforcing its own version of a non-compete clause to prevent the movement of labor across its entire industry.

Note please that the site itself admits that the ratings are highly subjective, while the listing of incidents is mostly accurate and objective. I also said that I find portions of the site (including what you mentioned) highly debatable.

In this case, the site is not being used to claim that the cheating became acceptable because cheating is widespread. That would, indeed, present the problems your quotation discusses.

I am a Rangers fan (who, I confess, has never even been to Texas. I just loved Nolan Ryan as a kid, picked the team he played for and stuck with it). The homer made we sad, getting to see that bat flip made was almost worth it.

Also, with the Biggest Shitheads in Baseball getting eliminated yesterday, these playoffs