Thebarton Gamer

You do realise that male-on-male rape (and even most male-on-female rape) has exceedingly little to do with sex and pretty much everything to do with power, right?

I regret I have but one like to give.

The damsel in distress in that film is Bucky. That's the romance. ;)

Tim Minchin as Friar Tuck? What the actual fuck?! Jamie Foxx is Little John? That's crazy enough stunt casting to maybe work! >.<

Sherlock as a metric shit-ton of burner phones. So he could have been "sleep-texting".

Um … I saw it at the drive-in. With my parents. >.<

SOMA.FM, especially the Secret Agent station. :D

Yep. Down here in Oz we got it as a cinematic release.

My grandmother took me to see the 1977 Amazing Spider-Man one school holiday.

If we can have anything, it would be fun to have Conan Doyle appear. Have him base Holmes/Adler on Vanessa. :D