
They'll tap the movies and say, "Mischief managed."

Dammit. I was running through the comments to see if I could be the first one to get in on the Quicksilver jokes.

I think Alan Thicke was cancelled after two nights.  He actually got a zero share.

It's my understanding that Duke and Duke have a dollar riding on this.

She understands how they forge steel, right?  By melting it?

But you can force them to rap.

I only like protagonists who just want their kids back.

Or any of the music on Gilmour's?  By themselves, they write either unlistenable esoteric crap, or adult contemporary crap.  Together, they wrote Meddle.

If I'm hearing my taped-off-the-radio copy correctly, he'd give all of them tater tots.

Were you Jewish, a coon, smoking a joint, or have spots?  Because if you ever listened to The Wall, you really should have seen that coming.

In his defense, have you heard the lyrics to Momentary Lapse and Division Bell?

Are they going to slow jam The Dark Side Of The Moon?

Wow, the secret service uses the Internet for porn, just like I did when I first discovered there were boobs on it.

Of cock?

20th Century's greatest royal love story?

The thing that made this ep stand out for me was
The fact that they went off and drank Lagavulin. I was all, "Hey! Fictional smart people drink what I drink!"

By 1995 I won't be a virgin! Thanks to Rum!

Tyson is going to be the narrator of the series.

I am suffering from a bout of insomnia. This should cure me right up.

I am going to kick Morrissey's ass for sullying my good name.