Jeff Greer

I could support that as a one-off...

Next somebody will accuse Donald Trump of banging porn stars...

“Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out.”

Looks a lot more like a Sharpie than a tattoo.

Well, it IS a miracle he gets that junk to run...

So, three Boy Scout troops in Shriner cars it is...

They don’t play baseball in the rain, and with the top down they can be 10' tall.

I have tried and cannot imagine any circumstances where this woman impacts my life beyond typing this post.

It’s just lust, it will pass.

That should be an option on defibrillators...

Summer Games, obviously.

Every time she waves at somebody it’s Virtue signaling.

If it’s done well.

Could add interest to curling...

You are missing the point entirely:

This is an absolute goddamned travesty.

Bows and arrows against the lightning...

It appears there’s been a coup...

And was probably tweeting.