The idiot was going too fast if the road had been clear and dry. The tow truck was going to block the view of the traffic he was about to have to merge with.
The idiot was going too fast if the road had been clear and dry. The tow truck was going to block the view of the traffic he was about to have to merge with.
Pony on pony action. Kinky...
Guy filming was on a pony.
Only if it’s not a gift.
The “help” is who sent this selection, he doesn’t need more help...
I see a battle car in the making...
It actually wasn’t terrible, just ugly. Gave me a HUGE bed with a sliding door straight from the driver’s seat and a small “porch” where I had to leave room for the pocket doors. The 350 out of it ended up in a houseboat.
Suicide waiting to happen, would be very popular in prison.
I once made a pickup out of a stepvan with a Sawzall, and I wouldn’t have parked it next to this thing.
What, put reliable mechanics under a body that looked that good?
Wait for the light to fail, shouldn’t be more than a few minutes.
English is an ancient language, used all over the world for hundreds of years by billions, and never have those words been arranged like that.
Gonna need a Trump-sized “Dump” button handy, be easiest just to have somebody sit on it at kickoff.
I’ve been pulled away from an iced-over dock by a warehouse forklift on slicks, but they were on dry, clear parking lot and my drives were on ice.
Looks impressive as long as you don’t pay attention. There were “spots” where the truck couldn’t get traction where the Tesla provided a bit of pull, certainly less than any UTV could have, and spots where the truck had traction and had to wait for the Tesla to move.
Nail, meet head. All the bones, just add the meat that suits. And that nose...
If you could get your hands on this...
James Bond would have just dropped lightly to the snow, schussed down toward the lodge and banged two Russian spies on the way...
You know those aren’t Hueys, don’t you?