Really? Well that would explain a lot. lol I was wondering how the person being Toejam would move the extra legs. hahaha
Really? Well that would explain a lot. lol I was wondering how the person being Toejam would move the extra legs. hahaha
Hahaha we shall see my friend, we shall see. *Fades into the air*
That’s basically all it is honestly. You play for a couple of hours you’ve done all that there is to do. It gets pretty boring afterwards. It feels more like a polished tech demo of what a game can do if it were to implement this style of gameplay and actually add more features and not depend on the ever growing snare…
I don’t honestly know or I don’t care about anything related to politics. It’s just people huffing hot air trying to make themselves heard. It’s ridiculous in all levels.
I am genuinely confused as to what all the hubbub is all about honestly. Why people are all the sudden becoming political messiahs and where people are all the sudden politically “deep” is beyond me. BUT! If the guy has opinions and views on things, He shouldn’t be scrutinized or judged. That’s one of the fundamental…
Of course they don’t care about continuity. If they did, We’d have more Mega Man! *ba dum tsssss*
Castle Crashers on Switch doesn’t actually sound like a bad idea at all honestly. It actually suits it perfectly the more I think about it.
RIP axiomofabe, We know ye well. Once you start playing BoI, time will fade faster than a twinkie in a fat childs hands.
That Toe Jam & Earl cosplay is probably the best and most accurate.
Because the only human to possess rights to a Live-Action adaption for “Akira” is Leonardo Dicaprio. and he bought the rights since he said that was a movie near and dear to his heart and that he’ll do everything to prevent Hollywood from and I quote “Fucking it up beyond repair”.
As an artist and sculptor, I can easily say that $600 does not do it justice. That’s basically giving it away. Especially if this’ll be a limited run piece. I’d easily see this going for at least $800+ dollars. The pure amount of time that must’ve gone into making this has got to be mental. Definitely keeping an eye…
Can we expect a video Fahey senpai? (O.<)
Last time I tried to age a steak by day 7 there was flys and ally cats fighting for it. Should’ve prefaced that I don’t know how to age steak and thought simply leaving it out the fridge and sprinkling salt was enough.
he even talks like a ghoul. He said that the lady he took a picture with had great skin. LOL “Hey there, smooth skin”.
Hahaha I was waiting to come across someone who might’ve posted this clip.
Here’s an idea! How’s about making a whole new app and Pokemon GO game? No teasers,no trailers,no promises,no release date until every single fluffing issue has been discussed,solutions and contingency plans are formed and set in place and the general core idea is for people to have fun. Anyone else on board with…
At this point in human history,most people that indulge in porn probably already have a contingency plan for this kind of thing. Like Doomsday level of prep. Hahaha
Case & Point Red Dead Redemption both standard as well as the GOTY Edition.
Aaaaaaand right before unlocking the terminal, it’d be wise for him to put it at the MAX difficulty to gain all that sweet extra XP.
They’ve got an American Express sticker on most of the outposts and diners. lol