Blackboard Warrior

Why hasn't he been impeached yet? Seriously.

I always thought Quark was annoying too until I started to look at the Ferengi as metaphors for 20th (or 21st) Century Americans. Then they get a little more tolerable.

All anybody remembers about that second season besides the reveal of the killer is James' affair with that other woman. WHAT ABOUT SUPER POWERED NADINE, PEOPLE?

Upvoted for using Dr. Lucien Sanchez for your avatar.

I don't blame the people who voted for Trump.

This set is actually amazingly funny #alternativefacts

…And you know they sell Graeter's and Skyline in cans at King Soopers, right?

There's a Goetta festival in Newport every year. Goetta tacos, Goetta pizza, Goetta burgers. It's an artery-cloggin' good time!

Skyline is 100% superior to Gold Star.

If we're going to call it anything color-themed, the color should at least be orange.

I think it's that whatever pills Belichick takes for his erectile disfunction don't work at altitude.

The Broncos have something like 6 first downs in their last two games. Siemian is a question mark on his best days. The O-Line is dismal and embarassing. The running game is non-existent. And the kicker can't hit anything over 50 yards.

You're giving the Broncos WAY too much credit. They're going to be SMOKED by the Patriots this weekend.


Um, that joke doesn't make any sense. The terran system is LIGHT YEARS away from the Klingon Empire. So, I mean, like, why would the Enterprise be looking for them there?

The worst part of this is that I now have that gods-be-damned song stuck in my head.

Every time I think about Beaches, I think about my 9th grade Drama teacher, who showed us this movie, declaring it the paragon of acting and storytelling.

Um, well, it's also a metaphor.

"This is the song, right after the train chase.
This is the fight, Rocky and Ken.
They triiiiiied to kill him with a forklift! Ole!"

"How much Keefe is in this movie, anyway?"