
1) Most I see these days are from Asia, actually. "When you get more who are willing than those who are able, people get fed up and risk doing it illegally." And that is the problem. You don't solve problems by breaking the law. You create more of them.

I'm sorry that you were offended by throwaway words. Life sucks, huh?

Men's rights activists are guys? Well, that takes me out, honey. I'm 100% woman. And, before you throw those other dismissive terms (white, Christian, and hetero), I'm also a lesbian Latina who happens to be an atheist. it's not good to be judgmental.

1) It enrages me because we have more than 47 million of our *legal* citizens on welfare. Because one out of every *two* of our children go hungry. Because we have thousands willing to do it the legal way.

I'd love to read some of your "other tangents" mentioned here. Would you maybe blog about them?

Only morons use fake words like "unironically". Fucking hipsters.

1) I work in Immigration and Customs Enforcement. However, my passion is for farming. But, as I said, "I won't do it for $2 per hr, or less."

Um, 1) You don't know what I'm doing with my life, so don't make assumptions. 2) Yes, I will criminalize them. You see, those here illegally, are spitting in the faces of those who did so legally. That's my problem with them. If they follow the law, I'm willing to welcome them with open arms. Bleeding hearts like you,

These guys: "100% of the undocumented farm workers responsible for harvesting the wilted lettuce bed that lies forlornly underneath the last stale bagel in the break room that you'resoooooOOoooo mad about because they're not the GOOD bagels," I don't feel sorry for. Why? They are criminals, plain and simple. Being in

Not all of us are. Just the femi-nazis.

Indeed. It is. Good for him for getting clean, though.

Sigh. I hate when folks convert. Those are the most fanatical about it. I usually say to them, "Yes, I know the religion. I studied if for a few years, not a couple weeks. Trust me, I do know it better than you."

Goldust was effeminate and liked to play with his opponent's heads. Dustin Runnels is a hetero guy, who was very much in favor of everyone being treated equally. I say "was" because I don't know if his stance has changed. Haven't read, or heard, one way or another in a long time.

Bad news: Everything you eat is organic. From Organic - noting or pertaining to a class of chemical compounds that formerly comprised only those existing in or derived from plants or animals, but that now includes all other compounds of carbon. In other words, anything that was alive.

I've got one for you: The customer that mispronounces titles that were just on the bleedin tv behind me with the volume up to 11, or that have their titles plastered all over the store! Simple ones! Like calling L.A. Noire as Lanore, or calling the Kinect "That Konnetix". Da fuq?

Yes, this was extremely creepy. There is a solution though (unfortunately, it's gonna take a while to get there): We make sure each of our kids, girls and boys, that their bodies are their own, and not for anyone else's amusement without permission. That's goes for other people, too. Start at age 1, and keep reminding

Future reference, girl: If anything like this starts to happen again, Tell Him Get the Fuck out of my apartment. If he ignores, I find a knee driven into the groin hard, and fast enough to make him feel like you're trying to move them to his chest will drop them. Then grab a knife (or gun) and you phone. Call the

How can anyone not like big boobies? They are so much fun to play with, and lick, and nibble on. They give me (and my partners) hours of enjoyment. If my girl would let me, I'd spend all day just on her boobs which are much bigger than mine (I have an A cup while she has a C).