I couldn't continue reading this stuff without commenting. Why are all of you saying that her bigger boobs are for guys only? What about those of us women that like bigger, bouncy boobs? Do we not count? Why can't they be doing this for us too?
I couldn't continue reading this stuff without commenting. Why are all of you saying that her bigger boobs are for guys only? What about those of us women that like bigger, bouncy boobs? Do we not count? Why can't they be doing this for us too?
So you've seen Zimmerman's rap sheet for yourself, um? Odd, I seem to have seen that it was alleged that he did those things. Last I checked, like the murder thing, he wasn't convicted of any of them. Trayvon, on the other hand was convicted of possession of drugs, and a concealed weapon.
You've basically killed your battery unless you pulled it when it was fully charged. Other than that, your laptop should be fine.
Tuan We? Is that you?
Try the Native American Aborigines, (or as the PC term is: Native Americans). They have blacks topped when it comes to how this country has treated them.
Holy Shit. I'm not reading any further than the title of this crap, and I must say it is the most racist thing I've ever read, and I spend a lot of time on 4chan's /b/ boards.
Sorry, but I have to do it (It's funny to me): Maybe because there aren't very many red haired PhD's?
Because universities are bastions of truth, and non-bias, right?
Do you want to know why blacks and Hispanics are more likely to go to jail than whites? It's not due to racism. It's due to classism. For proof, just look back at history. Prior to WWII, it was mainly the Irish and Italians that were incarcerated. That's because they were the ones in the ghettos.
What?! The only race that exists on this planet is the human one. Everything else is ethnicity.
Um, what am I supposed to be refuting? Last I checked, my comment wasn't about discrediting anything. I was just pointing out the silliness of hating on George Zimmerman, and not the other killers. Try again.
All this hate for George Zimmerman has me shaking my head in disgust, and no, it's not why you imbeciles think. What disgusts me is the way you sheep have condemned the man because the media told you to.
Actually, I think movies manage to capitalize on things quicker because it takes the average movie about 3 months to shoot. The average game takes about 48 months to make.
Please, stop with the "male privilege" (and the "straight, white, male privilege", and the "white male privilege") nonsense. I find it so f'n funny that those pretending to be all about unity and equality are instead being hypocrites.
Something I find hilarious, yet sad, is this whole "privilege" thing folks are going on about now. The reason I find it so is because the folks that are going on about equality & ending discrimination, are being unequal and discriminating. The irony is beautiful.
I never said they don't have meanings. Please pay attention to what I'm actually saying: The words will only hurt if you let them! Christ on a sardine cracker!
Cute. But once again, "The words only have power over you if you let them. You don't have to be hurt, mad, happy or sad by them. Consider my earlier question, "What would you do if some group decided the word "the" was offensive?
"Bzzzzt" (Going old school here) "You are the weakest link. Goodbye."
bzzzt. Sorry, thanks for playing. I'm a gay, atheist, Latina. Nice try there. Grow up, eh? Name calling and assumptions could make you an ass.
Regarding the first one: Yes, it has negative connotations. But, here's the thing: It's a fucking word. Stop getting your panties in a twist over it. Remember the old expression, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but words will never hurt me"? Don't let it hurt you. Take the power away from the word by ignoring…