The Audi Of Broken Dreams

I mean, I want to buy one, but that whole money thing gets in the way. This car is so bad ass to me.

Is there a list of these 71 airports? I would like to know what to expect.

Seriously... it disgusts me how massive the double standards are here. Everything is race related and racism is bad... except for the races people on this site seem to dislike. Then it’s totally cool to disparage an entire chunk of the human race. Because hey, at least it’s not YOU, right? It’s only a problem if it is

When the fuck did I say that, dipshit? Get your head out of your ass and stop acting like a Trump supporter. I never once said that the guy in the video was in the right. Your dumbass jumped to that conclusion, so that ignorance is on you, not me. Get fucked, you racist, double standard having, backwards piece of shit

I also vote COTD on this.

Ok, first off, learn your geography. Estonia is not eastern Europe. It’s northern. I am married to someone from the Baltics and it’s exactly this kind of bullshit that allows ignorance and hatred to spread. Do you know how often we have to put up with shit like this from people like you? Baltics- NOT FUCKING RUSSIA.

Congratulations on coming out as a fucking racist, dipshit.

You should always consider that the other side may have a much larger insight on topics such as this than you may think.

Which is it? Eastern Europeans or Russians? Because they’re not the same thing.

So... it’s ok to talk shit about an immigrant as long as they’re from some place like Russia? That seems pretty fucking ass backwards and hypocritical as shit to me.

I’ve been needing a kitchen scale. Thanks!

I’ve been needing a kitchen scale. Thanks!

Tom, please- never stop writing this stuff. Write more. It is so helpful and valuable. And we need more. Please keep up this incredible work.

They volunteered. They were there to prove the safety of nuclear tests or something like that. Trying to keep people from freaking out if the military was testing nukes close to them. Something like that. I think.

Now playing

This is the craziest nuke video of all time, in my opinion

There’s absolutely a ridiculous amount of beauty in things like this and tornadoes. The destruction and pain is what is wrong. Fires are gorgeous and we have them contained in our homes for that very reason, but fire has killed an incalculable number of people. As long as you’re able to separate the form from the

The graphic for this article is one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. It’s up there with the on you made of Wile-E Coyote holding a WTF sign in front of the bridge with a tunnel painted on it.

If your F-150's tire blows out on the freeway from hitting a crater of a pothole, will you also write off Ford forever?

Nothing like a wet 3 way to give you the skid marks from hell

Hey, I check a few times a day (at the very least), so I just thought I’d ask outright-

Hey, I check a few times a day (at the very least), so I just thought I’d ask outright-

That’s the most generic, bullshit comeback possible. “You’re too angry!”