The Audi Of Broken Dreams

Hey, we’ve all been there before, right? Right? Please... someone tell me I’m not alone

You get a star.

All the butthurt Trump fanboys crying like little babies over someone calling out this unqualified walking pile of human shit never ceases to amaze me. Trump supporters get their feelings hurt so fucking easily. They all talk about cuck and snowflakes and all this shit... don’t they realize that they’re the exact

You hit a god damn artery :-(

They seem surprisingly... sadly... level headed, given their response to the officer’s questions. That part is equal parts outstanding and sad. Outstanding for kids being able to be so mature and aware, sad because their mom is a piece of shit. Let’s just hope they can find better days ahead.

What in the honest fuck are you talking about, dickhead?

You stupid fucking cunt. Seriously. I basically bitch slapped you and you come back with that. I think you must have worked at my Saturn dealership.

Enjoy your life of flawed reasoning and half assed logic!

Your reading comprehension skills fucking suck. I’m pretty sure it’s this exact “NUH UH!” attitude that made Saturn the insufferable brand it was. Jesus... the company has been out of business for what, 7 years? And you manage to find a way to keep making it terrible.

To answer your question, I suggest reading my other comments and attempting to comprehend what it is that I’m saying. I’ve already explained it to you.

Except that these were well known, endemic, unresolved issues which many, many owners had to deal with and many also share the same horror stories of dealership bullshit. It is most certainly not confined to just myself, because if you look, you’ll see countless other former Saturn owners with the exact same stories

Ok, so first off, no need to be such a dick about it. Jesus Christ. Try talking to someone like a human being first and see if that works a bit better for you, because you only dug the hole in this story deeper.

You see, you’re being too logical. To understand what is going on, you need to forego all sanity and reason and just let it rip. It’s kind of like taking a dump on the desk of that coworker that annoys you. Just to send the message. Does it change anything? Yeah. Is it a meaningful change? Not really. But god dammit,

Fuck. This.

Why? Because I think it’s stupid when people get all bent out of shape about an electronic device they don’t like? If that’s something which requires medical intervention, then it’s no wonder this nation is so over medicated.

Why? Because I think it’s stupid when people get all bent out of shape about an electronic device they don’t like?

Moto Z

Moto Z

Car for sale. Good shape. Freshly restored driver’s seat.

But when you see one driving along while you’re walking down the street, it will make you stop dead in your tracks and you will find yourself in pure awe. Those headlights...

How the guy with the camera kept himself from beating the driver of the car to within an inch of his fucking life is beyond me. After seeing something like that and then seeing so little humility in its wake, I would not have been able to hold back.

I honestly laughed out loud from start to finish. And I REALLY needed that laugh. This is one for the Jalopnik history books.