The Audi Of Broken Dreams

It is still butchering my last name. Some day she will get it right and I will rejoice.

What the hell is his problem with Asians? I’ve been trying to figure this out for some time now. I really didn’t think it was possible for him to use the word he used in a way that would be so incredibly racist and without care. But he did. Aside from the ignorance plea, I’d really like to know what exactly happened

In light of someone trying to stir things up again, I just wanted to write this and let you know that I hope you are having a wonderful day and that I appreciate your manners, civility, and passion for the betterment of all humans.

Why in the name of fuck are you coming back to a mutually and happily resolved argument days after the fact and trying to rekindle hostility? Everyone had their piece said, everyone realized that we were all just wanting the best, but we were just saying it in different ways, and we even had very friendly exchanges

I don’t need help. You just need to grow up and stop trying to act like a badass after the show is over.

Don’t tell her what to do. I’m sure she is more than capable of thinking for herself. She has also shown a highly respectable level of humility and reason, so that shows that she is also far from stupid. She is free to do as she pleases.

Well, it seems that you were late to the show, you read some stuff and wanted to be an internet tough guy, you decided to start shit, and now you are trying to rekindle an argument which has been laid to rest in an amicable fashion, with all sides ending the conversation with praise of the others. So you kind of look

Aztec? Kids nowadays...

Hey, Tall Doug. How tall are you? 6'3? 6'4? 9'18?


Just too much good for buyers to handle.

oh my god that is so much funnier than it probably should be

How in the world have I never heard of this before?! This is fantastic, thank you!

How in the world have I never heard of this before?! This is fantastic, thank you!

I want to point out that it does take an admirable amount of humility, courage, and dignity to say something like “I admit I’ve made a mistake”, so definitely major kudos to you for that. And I’m serious. It’s not easy to say you’re sorry or that you may have been wrong. Keep that humility up and you’ll be respected a

Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. But my take on things is that people are the problem, just not in the way we may think. The real problem is that we are far too quick to judge, and we are too quick to dismiss conflicting views as wrong or stupid. We are all to blame for it. All of us. No exceptions at all. The

The line you crossed with me is simple-

No... I just really do not at all appreciate you quoting me on things I never said, putting words into my mouth, assuming you know this or that when you don’t, the tone in which you talk to others, and your repeated lack of reading comprehension. I’m calling you out on the nonsense you’re spitting out. There is a

I will miss nothing. Trust me. You’re presumptuous and conceited. You also don’t seem to read what people have written. Because, if you did, you’d see that I am very much of the persuasion that life is precious, anyone pushing one thing too heavily has the wrong idea (NRA definitely being one of those), and that we

Where the fuck did I say that killing people was right?!

The Boeing 787 had nothing to do with 9/11.