
That’s not a chonker. That’s a full on OhLawdHeComin!

have to be laying about his next movie” should be “lying”.
Minor quibble.

For me the issue wasn’t that Luke was a cranky old hermit but that the justification was, “My nephew is having a bad dream. I’d better kill him.” And that’s all we get. Like if you put something like, “I now see that the dark side had grown and blinded me” I can wrap my head around that. Maybe Snoke/Palpatine is

Sorry to be that guy, “’Electronic Entertainment Expo’ expo...”? Minor grammar glitch. 

Not sure if this has been posted or not, but this article mentions that it’s Minke whales the Japanese are taking. A quick search of it’s wiki shows that the Minka whale’s conservation status is “Least concern”. I’d certainly be concerned if it were at least “Near Threatened”, but we’re talking about an animal that is