
I think it’s time for all nations that want to participate in the Olympics to pony up a few dollars, euros, pounds, shekels, rupees, etc. and give them to Greece, where a permanent dedicated Olympic Village will be built. Greece has no money, but they can donate land. Building it will help the Greek economy. (Why

Man, remember when Discovey had actual educational/informative programming? I’m old.

Studies have shown repeatedly, in spite of how much people complain about being uncomfortable on flights, price is (effectively) the only driver when it comes to actually making ticket selection.

That’s how spirit airlines stays alive... I’ve heard many a horror story about them.

And that figure is an estimate on the low end that doesn’t even include whatever profit the airline would like to get.

If it weren’t for Forza, maybe he would have learned not to drive so damned fast in the rain.

OPPO saves lives!

Was anyone else really hoping that Tyrion would get flamed by a dragon...then come through Unburned.

Looks more like a Chupacabra

I work in this neighborhood. They are a shockingly large number of brilliant people who work in this neighborhood. The only thing more shocking is their appalling lack of common sense in real world situations, like railroad crossings.

But since when has a Boston driver payed attention to lights or a horn?

Actually, a small freight engine pulling a few freight cars comes through that crossing during the middle of the day about once per day, usually in the afternoon around 4 PM or so.

It’s rare but you do see it occasionally. The Ringling Brothers circus train is probably the most famous user.

Welcome to Boston. Where 8 out of 10 drivers are fucking morons.

Doesn’t look like a Japanese woman all that much either

40mph on a bicycle can get exciting. Especially if you consider what happens if you crash.

62 mph in my 1981 Corolla felt like 110 in my Sienna.

No, it isn’t. Roman concrete structures are still standing because they have absurd amounts of material used in their construction, which is because the Romans had no better way of designing things. Modern concrete crumbles in the time frame you mention because that is the minimum or near-minimum that it can be