
This is what happens in “One Party” states like RI, Mass and Hawaii. All the Republicans register as Dems bc it’s the only way to get elected so a lot of the “Democrats” are actually conservative but have to run under the D label. Look at those states’ Democrats and they are a lot of times far to the right of mean. 

Ahhh the good old days: “Bush’s 20-something twin daughters and his youngest aides made the now-shuttered Georgetown bar Smith Point, where boat shoes and cocaine once abounded, and Glover Park’s Town Hall into centers of the social scene.” 

The Houston team they are 5-2 against this year, including 3/4 in Houston?

Jealousy is a strong motivator

Great use of “stadia.” That is all.

Bruh, the Palestinians were granted a nation in 1948 and instead of taking it they, along with every Arab neighbor, said fuck you and tried to eradicate Israel. They then tried it again in 67 and 74. And it’s still the policy of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, etc to wipe out Israel. Sorry, but you don’t get any sympathy from

Alan Rickman 4 life

OK I am legit laughing at this at my desk. Great pics.

I don’t think you want “unilaterally” there, since that phrase makes no fucking sense

This is the correct take.

You mean like when the Yankees took 3 of 4 in Houston?

Yeah, this is dumb. WV has a huge Dem registration advantage but most of them vote GOP at this point. People are lazy.

She’ll be a great role model for all those who want to raise their children to rob convenience stores and assault police officers.

Fuckin 1970s NYC man

You believe in the moon??

Who uses cash anymore? And who drinks mojitos?

Certainly you aren’t suggesting 20 million people were killed by small pox blankets, of which there might be 1 or 2 verified instances of actually happening?

lol wut? You realize the vast majority of native deaths came before they even saw a white person, right? Keep on keepin on with that white guilt though.

This won’t really matter when Katko romps in November over either of these candidates regardless of who it is.

Curious as to why you would say Katko is a piece of garbage considering he is probably the most reasonable and moderate GOP member of the House? Regardless, he’s not losing to either Balter or Williams in November.