Theater Geek

Speaking of Lee Majors, why does it seem that nobody reruns The Fall Guy? (Or Rip Tide for that matter)

I've always been interested in seeing the original cut. (with the cuss words, and Fred's drug use more obvious)

The best line in the Archbishop was the "Father, my son," exchange between Edmund and his father. Genius.


She made a pretty average J-Pop video. Shrug.

The difference is that West Wing had its own fictional timeline, self contained. Newsroom took real world events and mixed them with all of Sorkin's "How I want things to be" events, which was ultimately pathetic. He could have played up to his strengths and had strong well-written characters reacting to real

Academia sure seems to work hard at beclowning itself.

The necklace replaces the hair-net from the books methinks. Dontos isn't really worried about his family's honor at all.

I would watch that show.

Why not just put the top seller from each state, regardless of whether they're in the 250? It would be interesting at least.

On another board there was a quote from the producer that the actor wanted off the show…so they killed him off.

Hermione should've turned out to be Harry's sister.

Er, we knew last week that the money was fake, that wasn't revealed this week. Plus Archer didn't "apparently still have" some ammo—that was one of the firearms from the Cheryl's family's collection. Carol mentions that they're all loaded.

Didn't Jeff tell everyone in a previous episode that he'd lived in Seattle?