Worth a Gorillion Dollars

Look at all the fucks Missouri gives

It's fun to see them suck. I love being reminded of it & so do most Deadspin readers. Just don't click the articles if you don't care for them.

Apparently in the preseason, Blount was under the impression that it would be a puff, puff, pass offense, but they seem to have skipped the two puffs and gone straight to pass...something no Blount is cool with.

Mayo good. Tim Tebow atrocious.

I prefer my groin injury gifs to be a bit more artistic...

Not an MRA, but a martial artist here. My objection to the groin kick is that it is pretty easy to defend against. If you get the chance, by all means go for it. But, don't be overly dependant on it or assume that you will get that chance.

The band immediately attempting to distance itself from the suit

The fact that he considers mass-produced seasoning packets a "little known trick" is the cooking equivalent of his "little known coaching tactic" of screaming at people.

Trick or Treating Treats Ranked:

"What the fuck is a 'Full House?'" -Miami Heat fans

Yeah and being hit by a bus is probably better than being hit by a train

Counterpoint: Candy corn is better than wax lips.

So ur with ur honey and yur making out wen the phone rigns. U anser it n the vioce is "wut r u doing wit my daughter?" U tell ur girl n she say "my dad is ded". THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

Now playing

I'm partial to "Goddamnit, Donald!" myself.

This isn't even a FRESH HOT TAKE... If you go back and watch old SportsCenter reports from when the allegations first surfaced against Bryant, you'll find anchors discussing how much the criminal charges would help Kobe's 'Street Cred.' Which, even at the time, left at least me saying, "Wait, what?"

And I thought his songs had bad hooks.

I mean, it's the Jets. The L was bound to come eventually.

Obviously, the error was made in Jets.