Worth a Gorillion Dollars

"our coverage is for me to show and for Delly to go under me and we just didn't get the call right at the time."

More like No Balance, amirite?

So many cargo shorts. There are no winners here, only losers.

I may be a voice in the wilderness, but FUCK that Tipster and especially FUCK the NCAA. Again, could just be me thinking that.

I agree completely that the human story is weak as shit, BUT, it was the withholding of Godzilla and his abilities and stuff that gave them such an impact when it did happen. I also totally get that it's just a shrewd filmmaking trick, but hell, it works (Jaws is the only example I can think of where everything clicks

I would eat this.

He's just building his Brandt.

"Sorry about that. Here, have some blankets..."

You deserve it.

wow, you took a couple leaps very fast.

The Vikings placed Matt Cassel on season-ending IR, which means it's Teddy Bridgewater's team now. (It also means Minnesota is one Bridgewater injury away from handing the reins back to Christian Ponder.)

Losing to a team named "#yoloswag" makes it infinitely more frustrating.