Worth a Gorillion Dollars

Is that you, Stephen A.?

So I got to her place and she said "Give me 36 inches....and make it hurt", so I fucked her once and punched her in the face three times.....god dammit, I got that backwards again, didn't I?

On the plus side, it looks like he's finally gonna see some court time.

What I gather is the people to blame are:

He'll save children, but not the British children.

Instead of getting rid of it, why don't we find it a new home?

Meanwhile, when reached for comment, a drunken All Sport stumbled out of its trailer and vomited in some dead bushes shortly before passing out in the neighbors' lawn.

My plan was to fart. I ate a shitload of Chinese for lunch and five slices of pizza for dinner (CRUSHED those

If you have 11 groomsmen, and you all wear sneakers, you deserve this.

"Kiss the rings douchebag"?

Are you also thrilled about all those tax dollars being used to pay for this stadium and not, say, hiring some teachers.

Subject: No subject [handwritten letter]