
The police are too reliant on using deadly force these days, especially against people who are obviously unarmed or even people holding a weapon that isn’t a gun. That being said, If someone is holding a gun and an officer doesn’t know if it’s real or a toy, they can’t really take the chance. I know I wouldn’t.

Ah yes that famous community of liberals that definitely exists willing to battle over the good name of fucking ER.

Boy, he really does look like how I imagined Rosemary’s baby would look like.

The whole second half of that movie is a cop-out. We spend the whole time getting Clementine as Joel imagines her to be without ever getting her actual perspective on the relationship.

Listen, pal, I grew up with Star Wars. I ate, drank, and slept the original trilogy in both original and Special Edition flavors (Han shot first, BTW), suffered through the prequels, read the Thrawn Trilogy and am still trying to scrub Jedi Prince and Jedi Apprentice out of my memory...and I still don’t get why the

Fry: Uh, greetings, Moon Man. We come in peace. I am Fry from the planet Earth.

When you shit, do you stick your face in the bowl and lay a towel over your head to saver the stench?

If you continue to pay $60 annually for this glorified roster/uniform update, it ain’t the game that has a glitch.

While Oz apparently jumped the gun here and didn’t know the whole story, it now strikes me why someone named F. Oz might feel somewhat personal about a bear named FOZzie. (And to think it took me forty years and this story to make that connection...)

Frank Oz got banned for a week for this Tweet. Evidently the Twitter censors had never seen the phrase “I owe you an apology” used on their service before and thought it must be something nefarious. 

“Eh, you know the most unbelievable part of this story?”

i think its a welcoming gift you give to white belts.

I rather hope the quality of the series lives to the eloquence of his announcement. 

I hope the series just follows along the slow appellate process from the first ep’s Q trial.

“’Psychosomatic’ is an extremely poor choice of words as it implies he made it up entirely for secondary gain”

Never do that.

And that’s the magic of Forrest Gump’s effects shots.

You don’t notice them.

I find this article available.

Milk + hotel

I'm surprised everyone sees Victor's death as being about Victor at all. I saw it as mostly a concession to Walt and Jesse: