
Hey, Alec: MayB U cud learn 2 spl out yr wrds if you want to be taken seriously.

Better yet- do NOT go in to your doctor or the ER, just call and ask for a Tamiflu prescription or a flu swab if you’ve had symptoms for under 2 days. If you go out, wear a face mask! Working in the ER it can be so frustrating to have people come in for the flu because there is usually nothing to do other than wait it

“You have too many dolls.”

Bail Organa, while a member of the Galactic Senate, was also royalty on Alderaan. Princess Leia Organa was, as his adopted daughter, a member of the house of Organa. This is some basic shit, dude.

Now I want the medical droids to be redubbed by Zoidberg!

My rare Pointy Eared Snow Panda says, “Oh Hi!”

You were lucky to have a room. In Yorkshire we just had a hole in the floor we had to have sex in which was also the toilet, kitchen, and bedroom!

IKR. If you’re antigay, the only art you should be allowed to own are Thomas Kinkead prints and “Dogs Playing Poker”.

And as with the World Cup, Germans are better at it. XD

Cats will never surprise you by turning out to be assholes because they never try to hide it. Not even as kittens. Their core essence is asshole. It’s like suddenly finding out Andy Dick groped some woman before he vomited on her. The only surprise would be the exact location it happened.

Anybody who routinely sleeps naked doesn’t own two cats that routinely pounce on them at night. Reeking of herring would not help matters.

That’s not the way doctors of any color get paid. They render services first then get reimbursed. I’m calling BS until you link some of these “studies”.

1) Anyone that read the headline, thought “This is relevant to my interests”, and clicked through to read the article proper.
2) Probably not people that read the headline, thought “This is not relevant to my interests”, but clicked through to the article anyway for whatever reason. Those guys are kinda dicks tho.

That’s your take? A guy voluntarily sticks his head in a microwave, fills it with an expanding, hardening substance, and then films it with the intention of profiting from it... and you come away from all of that saying that the FIRE DEPARTMENT should be ashamed of themselves for calling out his idiocy?

Only about 500 of the highest paid executive branch employees are affected by this as the Bloomberg article makes clear.

You must be old, since you have no sense of humor.

Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.