
You can’t buy love though.

I may be able to provide some first-hand insight into the bras in US prisons question.

You have a lot of bad opinions lately.

The right to be believed doesn’t dictate personal behavior. It’s a standard for police investigation and public reporting - the idea that any alleged rape is likely true and should be investigated and the victim supported. It doesn’t mean that a woman must believe the word of a stranger over that of her husband and

Word. More like, if you don’t think a braless person’s breasts are flawless, look elsewhere, motherfucker.

One assumes when Hillary Clinton says that sexual assault victims have a right to be believed, she means by the authorities etc. when they report. Because a lot of women have a hellish time with the police and whatnot placing the burden of proof on sexual assault victims and re-victimizing them. And I also agree with

It’s puzzling that so many people are angrier at Hillary than at the man actually accused of rape. And that includes the alleged victim.

Won’t you think stop and think about the boners???

Going to create a better standard:

My conclusion from this is that men masturbate more gently today than they did 30 years ago. My hypothesis is that the ready availability of porn makes it easier for men to get off.

If this woman is to be taken seriously, then this is as bad as the story from a couple of years ago where the teenager was asked to leave the prom because the male chaperones (or over-sexed dads, as I called them) were complaining how her dress was making them nervous (or excited; take your choice).

Politics is hard if all you’re willing to do is scream about how unfair everything is.

I feel like if I were imprisoned, the silver lining of that situation would be that I would no longer be subject to societal pressure to wear a bra. Or adhere to any beauty standard at all. Talk about the sprinkles on a shit sundae :/

Right? I would have been REAL PISSED.

So, one of the things I learned while tripping on acid in college was that insecurity is part of the universal human condition.

What do we have to do to get “Biebs” to take his whole life private?

But the twist would be that trump loses and it turns out that he would have been the only one to be able to save us from mass extinction because a wall between us and Mexico would have kept out the zombie apocalypse.

Know what else was hanging around the Trump rally in Kissimmee?