Wait how are you better off than those yet to be diagnosed? I mean, that’s rude, and horrible, and hurtful, but it also makes no danged sense.
Wait how are you better off than those yet to be diagnosed? I mean, that’s rude, and horrible, and hurtful, but it also makes no danged sense.
It gets a bit more complicated than that. While I’m glad your family is so willing to bring their medical knowledge to rural areas, regardless of pay keeping adequate specialists on staff in rural areas is hard. Most doctors don’t want to be in a rural area, and even for those who are okay with it, the hours kill over…
You might want to try actually reading the journal article, instead of an opinion piece, which links to a clickbait article. From the actual research article:
As much as this house is ridiculously large and fancy, it kind of makes sense - their house has to be their world. My house is tiny, but if I’m bored and need more space I can go to the movies, go grocery shopping, go to the park, meet friends for coffee or a meal out... The moment they leave their house, they are…
This seems like a good idea for all other kinds of reasons too - being in patient care areas also allows them direct access to nurses, doctors, and techs and breeds a familiarity that may not benefit patients. I’ve had police inappropriately ask me someone’s BAL when they’re brought in after a wreck, and they can put…
Amen! Why can’t they rename it? I’ve done what people in the US call yoga, but, despite the earnest exhortations to “balance” myself before and during, frankly what it is as practice here is mostly well-constructed focused stretching. There are vague concepts of balance, and opposing forces, etc, but no one I…
Agreed, although I think it’s the case in many industries. Women who succeed have to be bad-asses, tough as nails, and better than the boys, but that often means being like the boys, to fit in and move forward. That doesn’t make them dicks, but it can make them myopic. We create our own narratives, and when said…
I especially love it because it’s an intentional rewrite from the book, in which the boy is the hacker and the young girl is, frankly, useless; instead of keeping it that way and whining about how they had to be true to the source material they went, “Nah, that sucks, lets spread the skills around and make everyone a…
Counterpoint - organic chemistry is the best chemistry (because regular chemistry suuuuucks).
Please supply said data - all the meta-analysis and reviews I’ve encountered have found that data linking talc to ovarian cancer is pretty variable across studies. I’m not saying it isn’t true, it intuitively makes sense that irritating foreign silicons in your nethers could provoke cancer, but unless you have data I…
It’s a many times daily occurrence. To be honest, it often seems to represent a lack of imagination - I tell my patients that 10/10 pain is “a shark eating you alive” and still they say they have it. I’ve experienced pretty bad pain, but nothing I’d say is equal to death by shark. Then again I remember the words of an…
And, I, in turn, appreciate your civil answer and apologize for any hostility in my response. Your openness to dialogue is a breath of fresh air on the internet.
Awww, that’s adorbs. Except, when my husband was bitten by a copperhead, his leg swelled up like the g*d*d goodyear blimp and he required 22 vials of antivenom (at $14.5K a pop) and a 3 day hospital stay for improvement plus a 1 month recovery for his leg to be fully on-board. FYI the non-aggressive perpetrator bit…
I don’t quite know what you’re proposing the alternative would be though? There are hundreds of possible causes and related tests I could perform on anyone coming in with any complaint, and I have to have a way to narrow it down - not just from a cost perspective (although, if health care is going to be accessible to…
Well, just completed a trip with me, husband, father and his boyfriend, and mother. Because of this motley ensemble, we required 3 rooms at every location, but renting whole apartments/houses also allowed us to have shared common rooms where we could play cards, eat together, plan outings, etc.. Moreover, as I and my…
Also, you pay taxes so that the future generation, who will outnumber you greatly, and some of whom will vote, can read, write, and in general participate in our country in a vaguely informed fashion, even if that fashion differs from your personal beliefs. Because, you know, you’re not the kind of myopic ass-hat who…
You must be an old soul.
These are horrible, horrible insults from a shit-stain of a person.
Dear god, the reference to having a soul is so grating. Probably because:
Probably won’t help, but you could try to explain to him that it’s not just the snoring, or the tiredness, it’s the very real risk of early death. Occluding your airway (which is what sleep apnea is), leads to low levels of oxygen which in turn causes increased pressure in your lungs. This leads to chronic lung…