"I leave for 20 minutes and EvilCo is in shambles!"
"I leave for 20 minutes and EvilCo is in shambles!"
The couch gag is based on The Yellow Album's cover art.
You should see what they do to signal when a ball hits the pole.
Hmm, I guess not.
I remember the local post office selling some crappy TV tie-in games for the PS2 years after the console itself went off the market.
I really liked Donkey Kong Country 3, it had some of the best graphics and music I have ever seen on the SNES. But it did come out quite late in the console's life (the N64 was even featured in the game).
"Yeah. Gravity sucks.
Eh, I still have some goodwill for Rango left over, so I'll catch this on DVD/streaming.
With special guests Lena Dunham and Dan Savage!
An Australian McDonald's employee at the lowest level and over 21 years is paid around $19.60 per hour.
I played through ME as an all-Paragon Shep the first time around. Thought it got a bit boring towards the end. But when I played it again and deciding to throw in some Renegade options here and there, I was disappointed with not being able to make some of my crewmates loyal. Here's hoping the next Mass Effect…
Channel 4, actually.
"Why is John Madden signing Samuel Goldwyn's signature?"
My, my, my, my—GOD!
It tastes like Grandma!
"What's in it?"
"Tabouleh and rezmi-kabob."
"…Uh, that's our chef, Christopher."
Danger! Danger! Don't forget to pick up pamphlets.
"Well, this is better than Dart Day."