Australia as well.
Australia as well.
It was good at first but now it's just coasting along.
Some of my most favourite gaming experiences was while I was screwing around Hong Kong in Sleeping Dogs. It's fun to drive at very high speeds while you get sworn at in Cantonese by passers-by.
Ooh, would you happen to have a link to that backstory article on Kotaku? I could use a refresher.
We have to go deeper!
It's been almost 18 hours into 2015 here and so far so good.
Yeah, we've all seen Moonraker.
How about red-and-yellow? It's for DUI drivers.
Ohio was planning to do something like this:…
I doubt Sony would've allowed the leak of some number of films that have not been released yet onto the Internet as part of a marketing campaign.
I doubt Sony would've allowed the leak of some number of films that have not been released yet onto the Internet as part of a marketing campaign.
Will Brett Ratner be involved?
Funny-sounding voices are a quick and easy way to be rich and well-known on YouTube nowadays.
It's funny how the user rating is 3 stars out of 4. Now that's brigading!
For some reason, I like the fact that R.L. Stine is into Black Mirror.
In terms of length of gameplay, Threes! is my game of the year. It's too easy to start the app and play at least ten games at any given moment.
He's living the dream.
Man, everyone's gonna be so disappointed when they end up watching The Interview and it turns out to be not that good.
Damn you, Kenny. Any goodwill I built up from him in the first TWD was virtually gone in minutes. Still loved the game, though.
No matter what happens to me in life, at least I can say I have been to a taping of The Colbert Report. It was in June 2013, around the time Edward Snowden was in the news. I'll probably never laugh as hard as I did during this particular segment:….