Mom, that's veal!
Mom, that's veal!
Remember when Pixar's teaser trailers consisted of a scene that never ended up in the final cut of the film?
If you're like me, then you have younger siblings who love the Disney Channel.
@avclub-4c37107b9dedb73b90f677930bf7728b:disqus Over the Hedge was surprisingly watchable, but I agree that Shreks 3-4 and Shark Tale were quite crap.
Watching this on opening day in NYC, no-one really seemed to care in the cinema I was in, especially when
And pouches. Lots and lots of pouches.
@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus The Kia Sorento?
They have those ads in New York as well.
Mmm… something.
Oh, I forgot to… carry the one.
Ren and Stimpy do it all the time.
Finally, my holiday to NYC is worth it!
Whatever happened to the Hodor gimmick account?
I bought the new Boards of Canada, and I love it.
"Paedophiles have more genes in common with crabs than they do with you and me. Now that's a scientific fact: there's no real evidence for it, but it is scientific fact."
Only on the Disney Channel!
I got two words for you, sugar… Zip disk.