
Google Glass: You're Doing it Wrong

I still adore that Korean promo.

No Big Red No?

Google just got Scroogled!

Holy shit, I actually starting singing this in my head when I clicked on the link, before I even read your comment.

And now we have SBS2, we get Japanese game shows, Chinese dating programs and even more odd documentaries.

I read somewhere once that an American station did air Neighbours a few years ago, I think it was on one of those superstations owned by Turner.

Minor correction, The Last Train was an ITV series. But I agree with the rest of your post, great post-apocalyptic series in a time a post-apocalyptic series would be considered out of place.

It's a bit of a shame that Holmes is leaving.

Now I wonder how a British remake of RoboCop would be like…


Clown college? You can't eat that!

We interrupt this program to bring you… a football game.

Valentine's Day?

Hey, Simpson, your epidermis is showing!

I give this comment a 3.3.

You mean RealPlayer.

I've noticed how 'tired' Ron Howard sounds compared to seasons 3 and 4.

It's still in active development, but I wouldn't be surprised if Netflix was the one big reason why.