

Every time I see this clip.

Bought my younger a used launchday 360 years ago. Still going strong. Never been returned. Froze once, but that was after a marathon 30+ hour session of gaming and movies. Still works perfectly. I'm with you. I hear all these stories and I've concluded that either these people are the types of people that I would

That was many years ago. Once they achieved scale about 5 years ago, the 360 has been profitable. .

You've already pictured mine. The Borg Cube and other Borg geometric shapes. I also love "The Defiant" from DS9. Is "Andromeda" from Andromeda considered aerodynamic? And let's not forget "The Wrath of Achilles" from Andromeda

Of course it's never aliens, but there is a social obligation to keep the meme alive by posting the history channel alien guy. Such an annoying meme.

Really? Am I going to have to be the one who says aliens? Or are we finally putting that meme to sleep. No one ever tells me these things.

I supplement with books.

"I suppose the only consolation hidden in these findings is that... dinosaurs are extinct."


Haha. Sorry. Honest mistake.

Perhaps you should feel sad (repentant?) for not hoping it was Cthulhu awakening to commence a reign of darkness in the name of the Great Old Ones.

He was quoting someone else and criticizing them. The same way you are. And then voicing his wish that nothing gets in the boy's way. Reread his comment. Because skimming and jumping to conclusions... is a very dumb and lazy thing to do... :P

We were already in the middle of hostilities with the USSR. Technically, China is an ally. So there's more to lose for pissing them off. Remember, for the average Chinese, as with many other countries, it's a bit hard to imagine a major Hollywood movie could be released without the expressed consent of the US

I'm the same. I used to be dreadfully lonely, but now I welcome the silence and meditation. Sometimes I might even make a meal for myself and watch movies. But usually, it's daydreaming, surfing the net, and going for long walks. What few friends I have around here are usually with their loved ones so there's quite a

I sit at home alone and just daydream. Then maybe go for a long late night walk. No better time to get in some silent thinking when everyone else who has someone is with that someone. It's a pleasant, if slightly lonely time.

So, what movie are we viral marketing this time?

I know exactly how I feel about this movie. I'm definitely in.

"But this episode does seem to be suggesting that there is an implicit tradeoff between intelligence and morality" I direct your attention to:

Wait... did you just imply that FOX News represents the intellectual elite? Greatest. Comment. Ever.