
Greek and Roman dignitaries. Generals for servers, Senators for Desktops, Philosophers for mobile devices (tablets, phones, kindles, etc). Laptops are a bit different, they get battles and battlefields from the period of between Phillip of Macedon's rise (about 359 BC) to the fall of the Roman Empire (which I peg at


I.Am. SO IN!

The butthurt is strong with this comment thread.

Even trailers get trailers. And trailer trailers get previews, and those previews get leaked shots.

@Rob: "unless it's some kind of technomagic that completely transcends any form of logic we can think of."

It looks... cheap...

Lucifer didn't meet all the other gods. He met 5 or 6 other gods having a meeting. And one of them, Kali, survived. So a handful. And they were largely irrelevant. Plus this episode makes it clear that these Roman gods, if that's what they are, are in realms warded off from heaven and hell. So they wouldn't have been

I like that the corn looks like a zipper. Something it is incidentally as nutritious as.

"Also known as the Calvary," shouldn't that be "Cavalry"? Or am I not getting the reference? (I'm pretty sure Calvary is the name of the hill where Jesus was allegedly crucified).

I love this show so much.

I see in the comments that as usual Scifi fans are incapable of suspending disbelief... oh wait... that doesn't sound right. Aren't scifi fans the ones whose entire genre requires at least a reasonable amount of disbelief suspension? A captain refuses to obey an order to launch a nuke. A nuke. Also, this makes him get


How do you have access to my Facebook?

Windows hasn't changed in nearly 20 years.

Not exactly. Stargate was managed by the air force but they actually had a larger civilian staff and more Marine support staff. It's known that they employed massive support staff from other branches.

I'll freely admit, Futurama is interesting enough to be worth watching but I've never found it that enjoyable. I feel about Futurama at its prime the same way I think about The Simpsons now. "Meh. But there's nothing else on, and I know I'll get a handful of chuckles." Not enough to care if I miss an episode. But I do

Holy shit. I've been ignoring Last Resort. That trailer was my first seeing it. Holy hell that looks good.

I'm surprised mine isn't on there. I created it to be obvious because it was a community card (long story) and till this day I use it for anything that isn't important. I failed at failing? Does my suckage know no depths?

I have absolute confidence that they are creative enough to make it work, but my point is that there's no need to. All the heroes being present isn't necessary because all the heroes are not in the same universe. There's no need to figure out how to make them work in the same universe any more than there is a need to