
I think you’re right. Ford was just a few years later before blobbing the F150. I knew it was mid-90s that trucks become bland bubbles followed by the modern trend to make the grill as tall as a bus.

As someone who thinks the cops are douchy, out-of-control fuckwads most of the time... what the fuck is this bullshit article. She hit a cop car. She got a ticket. Seems pretty fucking straightforward to me. Don't wanna get a careless driving ticket? Don't run into someone else's car. And WTF is this "I don't think I

Make all CUVs and SUVs boxy again.


The concept of the blue collar rural farmer is largely incorrect now anyway. Most farming is the work of gigantic corporate coops, with the small family farm being all but dead. Not that this makes you WRONG, since the real power behind Trump is the corporate overlord.

Hence putting it in your CAR, which has NOT lost power.

Generally speaking, if you’ve lost power, your car still works.

Hurricane zones disagree with relying on cell phones. Just a few months ago, the entire Houston area lost power for 3-10 days, depending on the location. That included major losses in cell service and at least 1 cable provider going down as far away as Austin. AM radio still worked. Tons of people in hurricane areas

It wouldn't be possible to fit it into a cell phone because of the necessary antenna.

His payment is almost double my mortgage lol.

There’s no other answer. Shortest slideshow in Jalopnik history. 

Came here to say, this is likely coming from the insurance policy. We ran a Hole-In-One lease giveaway at a dealer I worked for decades ago and the fine print made it nearly impossible to claim as the rules were water-tight and most likely have a violation the group could find to not pay out.

The insurance company is the bad guy here, the dealerhsip is the GOOD GUY for once.  All of these are backed by insurance companies so the dealer took this out of their pocket to make it right.  The dealer should get nothing but good press for cleaning up after the insurnace company.

You can comple a person to testify, it is called a material witness warrant. 

This is really nothing new, just new to cars. Police have been getting search warrants for camera recordings from buildings and such for a very long time. 

Nah, make it painted metal. Like those bright red, white, and blue bits of trim on fifties cruisers.

Just so the whole thing is legible, and not reduced to gibberish by Kinja’s inability to handle links properly:

The Altima having expired temp tags would’ve been the cherry on top. 

I assume it’s costing them even more money now with interest rates higher. They could have reissued that debt capacity to other more recently for better interest rate returns, but are stuck taking the historically lower interest rate payments from Musk. So even though he’s making the agreed payments, the banks are

According to Google Maps it’s 35 miles to Needles. If your tank is empty (which is stupid in the first place, because Mojave Desert) you can get 2-3 gallons to get you to civilization.  If you’re going the other way and didn’t tank up in Needles, then I guess you pay the “stupid tax”.