Even by GMG standards this is one of the more insanely misleading headlines yet.
Even by GMG standards this is one of the more insanely misleading headlines yet.
I’m normally on the ACAB side, but I’m really struggling to be displeased with what the cop did here.
Her husband got a similarly shitty loan, so what’s his excuse?
I wouldn’t go that way. I would:
He put down 23K. I mean, lets be honest here. He made a smarter choice than probably 90% of Americans. I’m not saying it’s right, but at least he didn’t pu 0 down.
The advantage that winglets have is they allow the effect of a greater wingspan without taking up more width at the gate which makes parking easier. They weigh more than making the wing longer, and they increase the chances of collision with other planes during ground handling.
Do you seriously think this is how it works between a publicly traded company and a private company he owns less than half of? Sometimes I am just reminded of how ignorant people are of how businesses operate.
Make sense considering if anything goes wrong, we’re fucked.
The key card is concerning.
On the flip, I have seen many people constantly in a payment. Ramsey’s content is geared towards people who have no financial sense at all, usually because they have had very poor examples growing up. His strategies work when you are starting from absolute 0. For that, I’m appreciative of his content. He’s also a huge…
I saw a tweet that summed it up succintly: Apple wanted L5 self-driving or bust, and they came to the conclusion that it can’t be done.
I mean how much do Priuses really cost to maintain? The most expensive thing I did on my outlander sport was spark plugs and brakes within 10 years and over 100K miles. I only need to do oil changes once a year. Priuses I’ve seen are quarter million mile machines that are still running on original engines. For all…
as a seasoned offshore sailer, the fact that this boat’s engines are two outboards mounted through-hull terrifies me. I set foot on some questionable rigs in my time as a coach and a sailmaker, but this thing is crack pipe at $2.
Testing is the customer’s job, silly
Fictional tracks don’t sue for their piece of the pie.
Last time I checked CarMax isn’t a charity.
I trust Elon on this, if anyone knows about how to do poor build quality it’d be Elon.
Sure - but that’s why a reasonable, responsible, company will take measured steps and not market their CyberTruck as the ultimate do anything, go anywhere, conquer everything uber-vehicle. Hell - based on the ranges people are getting, their half-cooked release isn’t even good at the very thing Tesla is expected to…
Shareholder profits at its finest.
Then again, what average person brings a $20K luxury item into another country to auction it off there for their charity?