
“The endorphin rush you get is just insane,” Meehan said. “I finally found a Shiny Moltres after 28,000 soft resets and boy I was stoked when it finally showed up.

That would be absolutely brilliant!

Dark Souls 3? Looks more like Black Ops 3 to me.

Something tells me this was a genius customer service scheme to allow the devs to reapond to glitches by suggesting players eat shit and die.

I would say that everyone at Valve is a gamer. We love games, and there’s no reason we wouldn’t want to make games.

It’s possible that if your bed does not have a 2 block space above it, instead a 1 block space between the ceiling and said bed, it can randomly eject you where the game feels fit when monsters are nearby, so in theory you could be getting ejected out of bed on top of your house in the mountain side, I have experience

“Manizard, I choose YOU!”

See, I’ve never been a fan of meta-gaming, kills the spirit and fun for me. Relying on silhouettes sounds awful, I for one like the fact that this mixes that up.

Damn casuals :/

Natural “1".

Hi, don’t make a video loop infinitely and not give viewers a play/pause button. Thank you.

My buddy and I were just talking about this at lunch. My thought on their next TES game is probably something ancient; a prequel to other games. We haven’t ever played in the timeline where the Dwemer or Ayleids are around. I would love to play a Dwemer-focused game with strange magic “technology”.

“These findings are bringing more questions than answers,”

Hey man, he’s telling it like it is! If you’re a small independent video game developer and you don’t have a $150 million budget and access to a couple hundred designers and 3D artists and graphics programmers so you can push Unreal Engine 4 to the limit, what are you even doing with your life? Only indies with access

“The shape of the story just feels right,” Boyd said. “It feels like this is what we should be doing, and what we should have been doing all along.”

because “Alien Space Junk” could be NSFW

.5 seconds of fun.

On the plus side, all those ant stilts can now be repurposed as ant leg prosthetics!