I missed the case resolution, who killed the party girl?
I missed the case resolution, who killed the party girl?
What's that other time travelling show with the gossip girl?
did you just insult my intelligence?
she's hot, who cares?
What was the last 10 minutes long(!) checkers game about? My brain tuned out and I started fiddling with my phone
It's a great show to show off your new big ass TV. Must look amazing in 4k
Move over Millie Bobby Brown, Hollywood's new It kid is here
Show's trash. Like dumb trash, not entertaining trash like Empire. DEAL WITH IT.
Olake shippers are the WORST
Totally. She's supposed to be the most forward-thinking one of the family
I like Zoey in the context of Black-ish but as the lead on her own show? She's not that interesting. I'd rather see a spin-off for the twins :D
Does this episode work as a stand-alone special or do I need to catch up with the previous episodes? I haven't seen the ones that aired this year yet
I watched this episode while I was fiddling with my phone and I don't think I missed anything :/
can he play anything else?
It woke my dick! *hi-five*
Because there's anything-shame these days. Fucking PC…
I was thinking about it when I showered the next morning
he was full of shit!