I guess I should feel guilty about liking TFC, eh? :/
First of all, what's your problem with him?
Yeah, I don't get why would anyone dislike him. Is it personal? Is it because of his roles? Did he do something sh*tty that I don't know?
You're going to dislike him even more.
"The intentional badness of the sex scenes on this show is one of my favorite things. It’s also somewhat refreshing on HBO."
It's really weird seeing people smoke on network TV. It feels like I'm in the 60s!
Yeah, C+ is way too harsh
It's not a presidential election where you need charisma to win
" It’s still unclear to me (and, I think, to the rest of the world) why she agreed to be on this show"
Yeah, I love their rivalry too. It adds spice to the family dynamic
I thought you people were the white knights of free speech?
GTFO with your fake concern BS
Fuck off, asshole
wait until The Drudge Report links here
Not enough comments?
*found the whitey*
Nah, s03 was shit