Mirror Universe Stig

Maybe now we can get a movie about fast cars that stars something other than women. A really furious movie, and in a nod to Jalops, starring a brown guy named Diesel.

Let’s see: Audi S6, weighs a hundred pounds more, has 450hp, $70K. Is the Lexus worth a 25% premium?

I think you made a mistake, that’s not a picture of an XSR900.

Melania just has bitchy resting face. And if I’d stepped off the chopper to see dozens of cameras pointed at me, and realized this would be mhyh life - under a microscope, constantly, for (let’s hope not) the next four years - I’d be pretty cranky too.

Uh, Merc E class coupe or a C class coupe.

Mercedes E class coupe - 380-400 hp depending on the model year. Built on the C class chassis. Great interior, great toys, with the V8 terrific performance.

Today I saw a Crosstour on 22s.

The rear bumper cover for my SLK AMG was $1800, and that was back in 2000. I had it all of 90 days when it got hit.

No, those were brands within a car company. Plymouth the brand, but Chrysler (or now FCA) is the company.

Is Hyundai better today than it was 10 years ago? Undoubtedly (what car company isn’t?).

How do you know they weren’t? It’s a state where many, many people have concealed carry permits. When the Gabby Giffords mass murder occurred (in Arizona) several people in that supermarket were carrying guns. None of them cared to run towards the sound of gunfire.
After the shooting stopped, one guy did have his gun

Is the reward for *you* detaining them, or for providing information so law enforcement can detain them? I’ve always seen those notices accompanied with “this individual is considered dangerous/do not approach”

While that’s true in California, not all states allow for citizen’s arrests. Try that in Florida and you could be charged with kidnapping.

It’s south Florida, my home sweet home. Doing blow off a chick’s ass around here is about as special as driving a 3 series in L.A.

Leased, actually. So he could get away with parking pretty much anywhere, including handicapped spots.

What do you mean, “Karma doesn’t exist”?

I did the coupe version of that car. Its on the C-class chassis, so its a shorter wheelbase, a little lower, and loses around 250 lbs. Drove the E550 sedan and coupe back to back, the coupe really is more lively.

“If they had a gun, why didn’t they use it?”

Since this was almost certainly a 9mm or .45 caliber weapon, shots would penetrate all the way through and not lodge in the body (well, one could ricochet off a bone, but its unlikely, and certainly not all three). If those shots are in the ground under that body, he was 100% on the ground when shot.

A quick search shows a C12 for sale at Ligenfelter for $165K. And they only made 25 of those.