Nick Ha


“Zero Sievert contains everything a girl could ask for”… well, except a playable girl character, she/her pronouns, and non-male-gazey dialogue that isn’t talking about how you need to be a real man and get laid or whatever.

I always find it that rom-com anime like this tend to be a bit toothless when it comes to exploring the actual thematic potential of whatever gimmick they use to establish the primary romance conflict.

Misuzu is goals tbh

This sentence here

That first one should REALLY be “make sure you don’t already have a Microsoft/Xbox/Windows account before making a new one”. I’ve talked to way too many people who created new accounts and not realized all their games, cloud saves, and friends are on their Windows 10 account, some old Xbox 360 account, or something

Definitely a matter of taste, or possibly hand size. I’ve owned both an Elite 2 and a Wolverine V2 and I definitely prefer the paddle placement on the Elite.

(No but seriously play Outer Wilds.)

Man, whatever. I don’t get the hype. Everyone kept telling me to play The Outer Wilds but it was so forgettable. The planets were boring, the gunplay was shallow, and the dialogue trees literally didn’t matter. Everyone said the plot twist would be amazing but I rolled my eyes into the Attlerock’s orbit when it turned

It’ll definitely be nice. I’ve been having to use my PS5 just to get Apple Music to work on my Android-enabled TV. Most consumers don’t really think about OS when they buy a TV anyways—at least not in the same way that they might in regards to a phone or computer—so it seems weird to restrict things based on their

Still appalled at only two back buttons. Every pro controller I’ve ever used comes with four as standard.

I’m just referring to the arena and anything else that happens inside of it. I’m sure the killing curse will pop up elsewhere in the game. They wouldn’t have designed all of those insane particle effects and camerawork just for a spell you can only use in an out-of-lore practice range.

This is also really nice for people who bought the game and later decide they want to “upgrade” to the collector’s edition without having to also buy an extra copy of the game. This has definitely been the case for me on several occasions. Mostly with indie games like Ori and Spiritfarer and Outer Wilds and such that

I’m guessing it takes place “outside” of the game’s lore and events? Sounds kinda like the Practice Mode in a fighting game, or Apex Legends’ shooting range.

microsoft desperately tryna trade brick, sheep, and wood for stone and wheat while all the other players are lmaoing because they know that MS only needs one more city to get 10 victory points and win the game

Man, this bit here

Outrageously undercutting your peers severely lowers the going rate for the kind of work you all collectively do.

And yet I keep seeing Japanese instrument games pop up in Round 1's across the country.

Aw man, this makes me miss being able to import my SimCity 2000 cities into SimCopter or Streets of Sim City so I could drive or fly around in them. But this looks way higher detail and super cool.

Something you’re leaving out about those 10x bumps is that they might have just been 5x total if each successive episode hadn’t been generating more buzz and more hype than the last over a long span of time.