
I’m starting to wonder if part of the reason Crossovers are becoming so popular, besides as an act of god to deliberately frustrate me, is because mid-size sedans are starting to have crappy back seats and increasingly tiny trunk openings (yes trunk space can be good, but the openings are so tiny!) These two things

So, basically, we’re finally getting the BMW M1 that we all really wanted?

“Rough and noisy ride, tires need frequent replacing” = “I want the optional low profile tire wheel combo ‘cuz it looks so cool.” I am not saying the CLA is a great car but low profiles are stupid for most drivers.

its good when its just from the tree. dad used to make maple syrup with a few of the big trees around the yard.

Notice how these twerps roll coal on people who cant retaliate ? And then they take off because they are scared of confrontation. I would like to see them roll on a lowrider full of gangsters. yeah, that isn't going to happen, is it.

Prince, the OG, pulled rank, Kanye got the message and ran off.

Rear axle on pavement, front axle in snowy ditch. Seems like a reasonable situation one might find themselves in where AWD/4WD would come in handy. I know it's bailed my ass out at least once. Actually come to think of it, my Focus ST got stuck in a similar situation with snow tires where the back end had traction

This is pretty cool. It was a very scary situation today and you handled it very well. I know we like to give Canadians alot of crap, but we have your back Canada!

Very classy, Pittsburgh.

It hasn't been that way since the 70's. Everyone uses net SAE horsepower now, which is taken at the crank with all accessories and factory exhaust.

Yeah, she's with me. Suck it.

I'm not for charging for carry ons, but he has a point. Some fucktards don't seem to grasp the concept of a carry on and haul some big ass piece of luggage onto the plane and then spend 5 minutes blocking the aisles as they try to hammer it into an overhead compartment.

Good. Now maybe they will actually enforce the size restriction at the gate, instead of letting assholes board with carry-on's large enough to support an Everest expedition.

Wait, you're still making payments on a used car you bought 4 years ago (I'm guessing $20-25k)? While it's a great car (have exact same), it sounds like you are spending too much on it.

Nice sound! But what's with the billowing oil smoke?

Rest in peace, Boom Boom.

Brian Burke is a plague that needs to be eradicated from the fabric of the NHL permanently.

From personal experience...