
“I don’t want to get the stripper version / I don’t want to get an econobox

If you can’t activate controls blindfolded, then its a bad design. 

Is a grid heater the same as glow plugs ?

Cheapness. Reliability. Long Lasting.

I see more Triump bikes than HD. I think they got the ‘retro’ bike market now. Something fun, has style thats not too outlandish and is practical as well.

I don’t know for sure but a modern car with O2 sensors, fuel injection, fuel pressure regulators, fuel pump filters, temp sensors, coil ignition, everything is computerized and in communication with each other, ect, ect.   The CEL might be on for a while.  I fixed a lawnmover that had diesel put in it, a little

Nice toy but I would more impressed by an E stang working as a taxi/uber/lyft.

Dad put the 16 foot canoe on the 82 civic more than a few times.

Yeah its kind of a mess and it should be tidied up but judging by the autobahn in front of his house I don’t think its a pristine suburb. I also bet that Troy is very aware of the stigma of the ‘Ruins of Detroit’.

I inherited a 2013 and about 6 months ago my sister wanted to buy a new one. She said the dealers didn’t really try to sell it and she ended up with a hrv with 4wd for just $1000 more than the fit.  In Canada.

Yes Gordie Howe was one of the best players ever. He was still one of the dirtiest, hit you in the face and chop you in the ankles when the ref is not looking, players. Go ask anyone 75 years old +.

The Gordie Howe bridge ?   If you don’t pay the toll it elbows you in the face ?  Instead of a crooked business man bridge you get a dirty goon hockey player bridge. 

Forest Service truck ?  OMG, that thing has been beaten to hell. 

Pier 1 always had a certain smell, at least way back when.

Details and number crunching aside, I think the best part of his advice(s) is that when people finance cars they tend to buy more than they need, because finanacing gives them that possibility.   eg A family of three needs a corolla, not a giant suv.  And buying new is ok as long as you drive it into the ground. 

The repo tow drivers in Alberta call these things ‘Rig Rockets’. 

Mountain Dew will buy it to use as a promotional vehicle.
