
That or a car trailer.

Roll with good quality tires (michelin!). Good tires take away some strain from the suspension. And use a turkey baster to slowly replace fluids, rad fluid, brake, power steering, clutch.

They botched it right from the start. It should have been a boxy sedan with more rear passenger room and a bigger trunk. Datsun 510 or early BMW 3 series ect.

Well said. I have a car and use it often but I use the bus, subway and bicycle on a very regular basis. 

Its cheaper and more reliable, a lot of euros are cheap bastards. And a mini van is regarded as an utility vehicle, the same way older americans regard pick up trucks.

Or when you are behind the idiot at the T intersection and there is no indicator.

For the f****** idiots who use the turn indicators for what they are doing, not for what ther are GOING to do on the road. 

Good thing there is plenty of coal to run the AC.

Lordy, people pay real money for those options too.

Reminds me when I was sitting in a parking lot and a car pulls up beside me and the young boy in the back seat pushes the door open as hard as he can and it leaves a small scractch on my junky old car. I get out and tell the mom and she pretty much tells me its not her fault, the kid did it, and thats the way kids

So station wagons are good family vehicles ?  What a concept !

Pedestrians on clearly marked bike paths are a much greater hazard.

Get a freakin’ trailer !

So basically burn the nasty brown coal and pollute the Oz air so Japan can burn ‘clean’ hydrogen yet there is no overall reduction in CO2 emissions. Plus the inefficienies of transforming energy sources.  Am I reading this right ?  Or is it more efficient to transport hydrogen than coal ?  

I agree. As a ‘cyclist’ I have used every excuse, many times, not to ride my bike. But some times for some people a bike is a viable option.  

Now playing

I know someone with this car,as a second car to his f150, he said the micra works fine.

Why u so angry ?

Yes a sink, when the sink is full it can’t take any more. 

This is why every city is pushing bicycles, its the cheapest way to move people. Roads, bridges, overpasses are crazy expensive and need a lot of upkeep. Public transit is subsidized, fares maybe cover 75% of the cost.  Bikes are a small part of the solution but a cheap one.