
Maybe she went back days after the crash and then staged it. In fairness I have seen a couple fall off their motorcyle at very slow speed on a rain slicked road and they got up pretty unscathed. But they were wearing leather jackets and jeans.

Indeed, athletes who come clean after their careers pretty much all said the TUE system is completely abused and a sham.

When the tests are done results may show some fishy stuff going on but its not enough proof but it does raise some suspicions. The standard of proof positive can be very high sometimes. So maybe after a suspiscious test or some doubts another suprise test may be ordered. But when USADA is asked why athelete X is being

Sure, and its the farmers and ranchers who whine and scream to the government that they should get taxpayer money when there is a drought.

They should be scared, I can’t throw a rock down the street without hitting an electric car.

Minimal downforce allowed and skinnier tires so the corner speed is greatly diminished.

I drove one in Burnaby in the late 90's for a couple of hours ( I took the bus to a bbq and as soon as I got there they told me don’t drink anything yet we need you to drive us around). I recall you needed to rev the engine quite a bit, or maybe it just seemed like that because of the engine noise. And there were four

Whenever I see some clunker like Tracy’s postal Jeep with metal bumpers I always think it would be good for the owner to get some scrapyard plastic and foam bumpers and attach them to either end. It would absorb a lot of energy. Even the POS hummer doesn’t really have energy absorbing bumpers.

And unlike a diesel engine where all that energy to get up the mountain gets thrown away the regen will reclaim some of the energy.  I don’t know the efficiency rate on regen but a fully loaded rig going down a mountain pass has to be a lot of energy.

How does a MMA fighter live that down ? For the rest of his life he will be known as that guy who could not intimidate or knock down an old drunk man.

The bozos twenty years ago said its not really happening, the data is not fully in. Now that the bozos have proven themselves wrong their excuse is............umm........... err.......... well...........ahh.......hey its not caused by humans, its natural.    Well, bozos why didn’t you say that twenty years ago ?

The best thing about electric cars is their simplicity. I think they will succeed if they sell a basic car. Leave the unreliable techno junk for a S Klasse or whatever.

I guess it didn’t work since Japan’s birthrate is still falling.

One boat owner told me that they would mix a lot of cayenne pepper into the paint for their fiberglass boats, for anti fouling.

The plastic sucks but to make those crazy shapes out of metal would be impossible or very expensive. Engine designers have to be less reliant on crazy shapes.

1976. Anything not made of metal is disintegrating. Seals, gaskets, bushings, hoses.  And 165 on the clock the tranny might be nearing its end.  

Its like in The Godfather movie where they tell Frank Pantangeli if you start talking we will go after your innocent family and friends but if you kill yourself we will take good care of them.

I don’t mind it when its really hot/cold but I see it all the time in moderate weather. 

I am not a fan of stop/start but damn so much unecessary idling out there ! At the commuter rail station, at the supermarket while the passenger runs in for ‘just a minute’ ect ect ect. The last road trip I went on I stopped at a highway service center for a nature break and a snack. I parked beside a lady who was