
Its electric range is a joke.  At least the bmw i8 has some electric range.  Yes yes the nsx is faster and more reliable but whats the point of making it hybrid.  It also cost more than the i8.

I’ll take Quebec drivers over BC drivers anytime.

Might be a good idea on steep uphills. Install it where fuel consumption (and pollution) is highest.

I thought Hipsters were extinct, then there are these two. 

A four cylinder manual would at least be cheaper.  And lighter.

I hope this kid is clean but the past tells me to be skeptical.

Why did you mount the trans cooler on the blazing hot rad ? 

I know someone with such a car. He does mainly city driving so fuel economy is pretty bad. Keep reserves of cash for repair or enjoy diagnosing and DIY. It is smooth and fast, no doubt.

Take your socks or underwear or crappy old t-shirt in the shower with you. Wring them out good and hang them up on a makeshift clothesline or drying rack.  It works better than you think.

J D Power is - asking owners of 3 year old cars how many problems they had in the previous 12 months.  

Would be interesting to see a detailed list of the repairs, maintenance on this thing.  Farmer’s axe. Don’t get me wrong, I like things that last and are maintained to last.  

Being pregnant, having a disability or a certain medical condition or just having to go to the bathroom have nothing to do with religion.   

Kind of like being lost at sea and dying of thirst.

I always see Nordiques attire at Avs games, any expos hats at Nationals games ?

Religious or any discrimination is way wrong.  The better employee should get promoted. 

Exactly.  I have taken days off the same way.  In fact once I requested and got a certain day off.  A few days later a co worker requested the same day off and was told that she was needed because I would be absent.  She later gossiped that she should have priority because it was an important family thing.  Mine was

I would rather see this parked in my neighbourhood than a camper.  Using a driveway for storage looks like crap.

I have worked with tons of Muslims, none of them ever expected, asked, nor got anything different than anyone else. Christians worked on Sundays, Jews worked on Sabbath, Indians worked during Diwali ect ect ect ect................ If you are Christian and never work Sunday and the other guy agrees to work anytime,

Timmy Ho’s has really gone down in quality since they got bought by restaurant brands international.

I think the corolla 4 door hatchback/wagon is going to start eating into subaru sales.  A lot of people buy subis because they are configured that way.