
You pretty much nailed it.  Dog owners have a different idea of what is normal and acceptable.   

My favourite ski snack.

It seems like he is holding something in his left hand.

The dog owner is 100% responsible for the actions of the dog.  

Toyota Avalon. Not a common car either, gives an air of exclusivness. In a sea of lux suvs, black bmws and white mercedes this is rare gem.

So owning a dog equals the right to trespass ?

On the dog owners property. Never on others private property. Or a dog park. If you go to a public park, take the dog to outer edges of the park, not right beside the paved path. There is a waterside park I used to visit, great view ect,it had a small strip of grass between the road and railings, and of course tons of

Stay off private property. 

Nissan, Honda and Hyundai all increased their sales.

Big Shiny Tunes !

Oh I agree, these people are total jerks. But no one should have to put a sign on their lawn to inform dogowners to respect peoples lawn. Anyone who needs a sign to inform them of that is dumb as a post and should be not be allowed to care for animals.  

Only a selfish irresponsible dogowner would think like that.  

You must be kidding. Many parks have signs, no dogs or no dogs in the playground area or pickup after your dog or dogs must leashed ect. Those signs are never respected.

I want the $2000 leather wrapped optional charging cable.

What Hill did is terrible and inexcusable. Football, hockey, mma ect atheletes have been wound up by the whole system and encouraged to be extra agressive sports machines since they were 15. Some people can’t just a flip a switch when they step off a field. Some can do it and some can’t. It’s human nature, some are

Dear dog owners, go f*** yourselves. Every where in my neighbourhood is dog s***. The grass beside the sidewalks, grassy fields where kids play baseball and soccer, even in the park where the playground is. Dog ‘walkers’ do this at night thinking no one sees this, believe me, people see it. Some dogowner recently let

Now playing

Yeah ! Woohoo ! Most of the time its pretty tame stuff, going on a bike ride or hiking to a waterfall ect. The big excitment lately for the millennials seems to be the avenger movie.

Jerks ‘walking’ their dogs is a much bigger problem.

If this is news to anybody they are complete fraking morons.

The check engine light went on, that prompted the extra security.