
Since birth we have been told “don’t hit girls”. We can’t just turn it off like a switch when we step on a sports field.

Just eat fish once in while. The health benefits probably derive from more than just the oil.

Trump likes global warming because the big winner in global warming is russia.

Turn off the traction control brainiac.

An oldtymey Tour de France racer concoction was a glass of red wine with a raw egg in it.

My uncle had one of these. He said he was driving with his girlfriend one night, miscalculated a turn and hit a small tree. They were not hurt but had to crawl out of the sunroof because the tree blocked the stupid front door.  I guess the girlfriend wasn’t impressed because a different lady ended up being my aunt. 

Just a wild guess but its really rare you need 4 tires at once. Maybe save a bit, buy one tire, save for 2 months more, buy another, ect. Used tires sound really sketchy too. You know those times when you are driving along and bang you hit that pothole and wonder if your tire survived. Although maybe used tires may be

Not a real samurai, he doesn’t have socks with his sandals.

Red Green is way ahead of this Monaco guy.

You hit the nail on the head. You mentioned volcanoes, it doesn’t take much to change a climate. 200 years of humans spewing excess CO2 into the atmosphere may not be a lot, but its enough to change things. Climate change means more than just warming is happening. Different weather patterns, changes in precipitation

Good dog owners are a very slim minority.

Have you seen the LSD/MagicMushroom styling of the C-HR ?  WTF ?  Toyota had to bring out the corolla hatchback to stay in the game.

The same pack of morons who “would not be caught dead in a hatchback” yet that function is the exact reason they buy these junker suvs and crossovers. They are suckered into buying 4wd ! and ground clearance ! and sometimes I go camping and drive a few miles on a gravel road !  We all know most of them would be better

25 years ago the argument was, is it really happening, we need more data before its worth to do anything, we need more data, we need more data !  Now the data is in the argument has switched to, its changing, its getting warmer but its not humans contributing to it. 

I have met more than a few old timers who were very conservative.   They all said more or less the same things.  “It doesn’t snow the way it used too”  “Summer used to be sweltering for two weeks, now its all summer long”  They have also seen the world change through technology.  They are are much more inclined to

The quality and reliability of those cars compared to american and european cars in 1981. And the driving experience.. In 1981 american senior car executives were still dismissive of the japanese brands.   (although the early hondas were rust buckets)

My house has both solar and wind power.......a clothesline.

Beat me to it !

Lyft and Uber use giant SUV’s ? No wonder the drivers complain they can’t make money. I guess I could restart the whole minivan/suv debate. As for Suburban limos, if I order a limo I want a luxury car, not some agricultural vehicle.

This is for Oregonians visiting California.