
Read this somewhere else, wheel covers don’t do much. Some duct tape over the grill in winter will do more. Roughly every 10% improvement in aero is a 1% improvement in fuel eco.

Harry’s Garage may disagree.

Why not farm these things ? Ok its too late for the white rhino but why not set up a massive enclosure in Nevada and start breeding elephants and rhinos ect.

“Bolt Superleggera”

I prefer steelies. Alloys and low profile tires are no good for the pothole garden of montreal roads. This year it’s so bad that I am sometimes jealous of hated small suv’s with their tall tires and long travel suspension.

No windshield, windows, no doors or enclosure. e.g. Not good for a Montana  rancher who wants to check things out on the range on soggy cold October day. I know this thing is marketed for recreation but for farmers, forestry, mining it may be of some use. No need to take the $60,000 f250 to go a few miles down a dirt

The pony was a crude economy car but it was very cheap to buy and was at least as reliable as any american car.

Learn how to put gas in your car, Oregon.

The new (canuck) Micra looks stupidly over styled compared to this.

If you got a big mouth back it up. She’s the opposite of that.

Technology Editor puts handlebars on backwards..............Technology Editor.

The lug nut wrench on my ‘87 celica fit the oil plug drain. No excuse for not changing the oil I guess.

I have seen this done in Vienna too. Same type of contraption, but the car taken away was just an illegally parked BMW. The BMW was so wedged in that it was the only way to extract the car. The BMW’s alarm was going crazy but the tow truck driver gave no fucks and lifted the car.

Got to have respect for someone who uses a testarossa to transport an outboard motor !

What you wrote is the part of this that is wrong. OK, she gamed the system and found a way to get to the Olympics. But then she did not train for it ! The skier from Tonga(and others like him) barely qualified and were just there to participate but they trained like dogs, AND TRIED THEIR BEST.

Good thing I took advantage of skating the Rideau Canal when I could. But, no worries, Trump says global warming is a scam so in a few years we can skate their 6 months a year.

A big reason for the many, many gears is that an ICE engine runs more efficiently and cleaner in a narrow rpm range. Winding the engine up and down may be fun but its not really the best. This is also one of the advantages of a hybrid or cvt. For example an engine for a water pump or generator does not have to deal

Gallhuber had an amazing second run, “volle gas!”. She had nothing to lose and let her skis swim down the hill instead of grinding each turn. This is a vast exaggeration but that’s sort of the feeling. Its really fast but you can lose control or straddle in an instant. Mikaela knew she had to perform and could not

The light fallen snow is not a problem but lately I’ve run over those icy chunks of snow all over montreal roads lately with my mom’s honda fit. They are not rocks but they can do some damage !

I think you are right on this one. Most (automatic) drivers know of “Drive”, “Park” and “Reverse”. That’s it. When the 911 dispatcher told him to put it in neutral maybe he thought she meant “Park” and that would cause him to crash.