
If its residents only then its residents only. If its public then its public. If there is a time limit or meter so be it. Not complicated.

Fake. It is impossible to drive a rwd 2wd non traction control non stability control non abs without chains studded tires car in the snow. Hellooo, like duh !

The repo teams in Alberta are quite busy now. Before newly employed oil patch dude can save a few bucks he finances a typical jacked up pickup truck. The repo men call them “rig rockets”.

I think the cyclists were egging him on.

I was reading something why vans and trucks have side pipes but cars are not permitted to, it was for this very reason (at least here in soviet canukstan).

I’ve lived in cities with underground metro, elevated rail, streetcars, no rail whatsoever. Streetcars are garbage.

Seems that white jerry cans are for water. If i’m on expedition that’s going to be carried inside the vehicle. Then again without fuel you are pretty done for as well.

Lets forgot that she is a model. Lets forget that she is normal or average. And that she has self confidence. If she was just another 19 year old girl and went for a routine health check up would the doctor tell her that her weight is fine and is not a cause for concern ?

Somewhat true but trucks and suvs generally come with more aggressive tires than regular cars. This is part of their perceived superiority.

Montreal spends $120 million. I always thought it was bs but now that I have lived in a few different places I believe it. They actually do a good job at snow removal.

Right on, this ex Montrealer agrees with you 100%. DC needs a crew of 50 french canadian snow plow/salt truck drivers.

Holy cats snow is going to be a big problem.

ahhh, la belle province !

“Lets see him try that here.”

“Rough and noisy ride, tires need frequent replacing” = “I want the optional low profile tire wheel combo ‘cuz it looks so cool.” I am not saying the CLA is a great car but low profiles are stupid for most drivers.

I want circa 1985 Michele Mouton as my chauffeur.

I recall as a kid walking through the maple tree forests in Quebec where the sap was collected the old fashioned way in buckets nailed on the trees. We drank the water right out of the buckets. It was cold, clear and tasted like heaven.

Why do fuckhead smokers think they have the right to toss their butts anywhere ? It’s littering ! My smokes like a chimney aunt carries around a small metal case and puts hers butts in there and disposes of them properly. These smoker litterer retards are probably the same pack of losers who let their dogs shit all

F*** these modern turbos or cars with TOO much displacement. All the time everyone blathers on about torque. “ torque is what you need, torque is what you drive on blah blah” That’s what the multispeed transmission is for ! For regular everyday driving you dont need that much power and when you do need the power you