
That trail you are pointing to has: Whole families spread across the trail with small children running back and forth. Dog walkers with the leash stretched across the path, and 25 % of the time the dog will bark and run into your path. Brain dead park users who never look either way crossing the path. Walkers

Most Subaru owners I meet think they need their car to drive on unpaved roads which almost any non-sports car can drive.

I would bang her but not walk down the street with her. I guess that makes her a ho.

more this:

more lcv's

Good pics. Brings back lots of good memories.

I heard this second hand from a Canadian soldier, he said the afghan army was pretty much the same. He said that if the 20 afghan soldiers were told, "ok, in 2 hours be ready for patrol." He said after 3 hours, 10 of them would show up and 5 of them would be stoned on hashish. Shit like that.

It seems like a 911 can actually be driven on unpaved or bad roads, more so than a Ferrari or Lambo.

Now playing

My old car. Just like this except the rear spoiler. Oh, and steelies too.

Towing safely is more about suspension and brakes than power. Modern cars have plenty of power. I'm guessing the weak link is the transmission.

what a stupid POS

Holy **** that is ugly !

Pre WWII most roads outside of the cities were unpaved. These cars are actually designed for this (ok, maybe not that extreme).

hahahahaha! good one.

good . canucks haida hat cool too, eh ?

Where is Dave Semenko when you need him ?

You ever have a sub machine gun and 2 side arms pointed at you? Safety off, ready to shoot. I have, have you ?

These gun nuts would last about 5 minutes in Afghanistan.

All that effort, time and materials for a useless hunk of metal. Can't even slice bread with it.

I agree totally. Most (all) modern cars have plenty of power. So what if you occasionally have to floor it up big mountain passes.