Drew Taylor

Uh because it ties into the last gate's challenge. Did you read the book or just read the comments?

He didn't do it perfectly. He fucks it up on the first cue. Then he tries to pull up a video of the movie and gets an immediate DQ warning by the system telling him: "Try to cheat again and it's GAME OVER!" He got a "cue card" power up every five correct actions, max of three, and regularly had to use them.

He didn't play it effortlessly. It's explained that as part of his research he had repeatedly played the old arcade classics for years and had studied books on how to beat it. And by the time it came to the that point he was shocked that he had done it. Also, why would anyone say "Ready Player One"? It's stated in the

In Robot Chicken. It was Donatello, because he was played by Cory Feldman. The episode is "Enter the Fat One", I think, because it was a spoof of Joey Fatone from N'Sync.