
Make Space Great Again?

What they’re missing from the article is that you should try to get/keep your essentials to 50% of your earnings. Don’t get that bigger house/fancier car/etc if it puts you over the 50% mark. It’s how a lot of people get in trouble starting out. You might think you can afford something (and technically you can, but

For more in-depth info on the 50/20/30 rule, I highly recommend checking out Elizabeth Warren and her daughter’s boo, “All Your Worth.”

Inconvenience isn’t oppression. You cheapen real sacrifice with your false equivalency.

Hence why they are playing at it. None of these dipshits would know honor, sacrifice, or courage if it was the featured entree at Furr’s.

Cosplatriots is the proper term.

Jesus, I don’t watch sports and even I know that’s a stupid statement.

And what’s to stop people from popping a few Advil/Aspirin/whatever an hour before flying?

Which is weird because FFG makes Talisman here in the US (Looks like the Talisman: SW is made by USAopoly). Maybe the US will get a version later on.

I need to look into these. For me, I just get a huge-ass SD card for my phone and the music comes with me. No worries about streaming and works in the wilderness where there’s no signal.

Anyone else just simply exhausted dealing with the sheer stupidity and selfishness going around? I’m about five seconds away from moving into a cabin in the woods and never speak to another human again for the rest of my life.

Dude, if you’re waiting until now to order stuff on Amazon, you’re fucked.

Dude, if you’re waiting until now to order stuff on Amazon, you’re fucked.

It made a fortune (and not a small one, either). It was an easily digestible, easily translatable, very pretty Sci-Fi action film.

CDC says you only need a mask if you’re around other people. If you’re walking around where you’re distant from other people, you don’t need a mask (but keep one on you just in case). If you’re in the city around other people or densely populated park, you’ll need a mask. For folks out in the ‘burbs or even less

:::squints at the screen:::

Every bully I’ve ever known pulled this shit. When they get caught or called out on something awful they did or said, it’s “Jeez, can’t you take a joke?” or “I was totally joking...hur hur.”

I tried it and it worked! Don’t let teh lamestream media tell you there lies! Librards sux! MAGA2020. Don’t be cuck. Do iT!

I’m still leary this is all being crammed into a movie instead of a series. But that cast? DAAAAAMN. That’s some top-shelf talent.

“She’s fine ship.”

I prefer non-sequential, unmarked baseball trading cards.