
Don’t worry folks, it’ll all trickle down. Like a wealthy man taking a leak on a poor man, it will all trickle down.

Gaslighting. We know he’s racist. They know he’s racist. But if you spin the lie long enough and hard enough, (they think) it becomes the truth.

In order to make room for that massive tax cut the 1% got, Republicans eliminated a lot of working class deductions, like the moving one.

While I actually liked our minivan for all its uses, I breathed a sigh of relief when I got rid of it. The roads have been easier to traverse since switching to a similarly sized SUV.

Hop on, tap the L button, and pray you have enough stamina.

I’m stealing this. This is turns the tired old mentality back on the clueless throng.

This is the worst version of Clue I’ve ever played.

TurboTax has been worth every penny I’ve spent on it. Every year.

You can get fined. We’ve had to schlep over to my In-Laws to shovel their sidewalks while they were out-of-town.

I started cutting back on my calories and did see a marked change. The first few days however, I (and my coworkers) realized I get hangry as fuck. So watch out for that.

Whoa. Slow down there Milton Friedman.

That’s the law, actually.

That reminds me...I need to go spend some money at Comedy Works.

Term limits are a crutch for a lazy, uninformed electorate. We have them all over the place (President, governors, mayors, etc). They solve nothing. Stop trotting out this tired meme and get to work finding (and voting for) candidates you’d want to hold the office for more than a few terms.

Wait...there are schools with nurses in them? Our district cut them years ago for budget reasons.

My kids got iTunes cards for Christmas (no one in our house has an Apple device). I think I’m just going to give the kids cash for the cards and re-gift them to someone sucked into the Apple ecosystem.

I will buy that book. I won’t read it, but I will reward the author and publishing company for simply putting it on the shelves.

We keep saying that...then he goes and shits the bed even harder, wetter, and louder. This stupidity exhausts me.

You’d think the “tea spoon” part would be a dead give away that it’s a joke, but no.